Saturday, April 24, 2010

Card fraud... hahah

I was a subject of card fraud. Earlier in my carrier I had spend a few years investigating frauds. Put the knowledge to use and spend 6 hours over 7 days sniffing around. ( Not bad eh!!).

At the end any guesses who is smiling?

1) I choose the Gandhi way of working and was immediately appreciated.
2) Be carefull with your stuff.

Did I get luck.. YES!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Anniversary today

Today completed 5 years of marriage.

Life is a stage and you are an actor in it.

Back from Cebit

Cebit was quite stressful. Traveled for 4 hours daily to save companies money. This was topped with profanity to keep up with for the days that I spent.

People make choices and I have made mine.